Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

I'm single and I'm very happy's saturday night...yes as usual spent Saturday night at boarding house with the hope there is someone who is invited to go to enjoy the weekend .. hahahaha
but not just anyone..
but the people I would expect his arrival ..
I sometimes envy my friends once with my friend who already has a lover, while I just waited and waited .. but I was always comfortable with my status now ..

I want to enjoy my solitude before this ... because for me I've got this loneliness that brought me to the freedom to make friends with many people without the need to be banned by a lover who may later be my own ..

and maybe later when I already have a lover, a time like this no longer can I feel .. so for now I try to enjoy the atmosphere of my own Saturday night before the time will come .. hahahaha

I am single and I am very happy ...pyy....yipiii

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